
Fridays Events coming up

19 July 2024

As a charity trustee, knowing where to go for information and insights to help you in your role isn’t easy.

There’s no universal training or induction programme – and the huge variety of issues you need to understand can sometimes feel pretty overwhelming.

That’s why – every week – we share FREE tips, guides and thought leadership articles to help you. It’s why @Charity Intelligence exists – because we reckon you should be able to access the information you need to help your charity succeed.

There’s loads for trustees (and senior leaders) to dive into on our website right now, including:

⚡Everything you need to know about the Charity Commission

⚡Good governance – How your charity can avoid revenue ‘leakage’

⚡Mastering the art of funding applications

👉Check out these topics – and dozens more – at

Have a great weekend!

#charity #nonprofit #thirdsector #charities #trustees #governance #bestpractice #insights #thoughtleadership #CharityIntelligence #ICYMI

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